Elizabeth Nicholls
Category of work:
Fine Art
Describe your work in one sentence:
Technical focused observations of fine art subjects, inspired from Dutch Still Life
Why do you do it?
I keep going to challenge my skills technically more and more - I want to learn and try to get better at what I do every single time.
Aside from painting for my own enjoyment, I keep going to share creativity with others. After my career plans fell through, I had to change my focus and now I keep going to provide welcoming, accessible and affordable art sessions for anyone wanting to learn or bring some mindful creativity into their lives.
What keeps you going (what’s your GRIT)?
I make art because there's no separating myself, from my creativity. It's my entire being, and my number one comfort and joy. I really enjoy the technical challenge of painting, and challenging my mind and skills.
I think it's really important to be creative for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
What advice would you give to somebody wanting to become a ‘creative’?
Just keep trying, and be kind to yourself. Ultimately the goal of art is in the making and the process, and what you gain from that- not the result.
I think everyone has a form of creativity in them and it's really important to nurture that- just keep trying different mediums and practices, and you'll find the one that clicks with you.
Tell us something unusual about yourself.
My favourite film is Stephen King's Misery. I watch it guaranteed a couple of times every month and can easily quote most scenes!
Website and social media handles:
Instagram @En.Arts @EdenStudio.mcr