Caroline Boyd

Category of work:

Wild In Art artist, digital hand drawn illustration & animations, brand development and graphic design 

Describe your work in one sentence:

Using my former life as a marketing manager to help visually - and joyfully! - communicate the good work of others with a little visual illustration, graphic and brand design work.

Why do you do it?

I always dreamed of working for myself and spending my time playing with shapes and colours all day in one form or another. I’ve always lost myself in art. I love that my dream is now my reality and it just feeds my soul! (Cheesy but true!)

What keeps you going (what’s your GRIT)?

The adventure and the surprise. What will I work on next, how will this commission turn out, what will I end up making and where will I end up working? The sense of “anything could happen next” is sometimes terrifying but always motivating.

What advice would you give to somebody wanting to become a ‘creative’?

Think playful and positive. Playful by just making a start in the direction of what you love doing.  Even if you think my illustrations could be better or a painting might go wrong… you learn and discover new techniques and outcomes by making mistakes when just being playful and experimenting in your own time and when the pressure is off. And be positive by thinking: well what’s the worst that can happen? I approach someone and offer them my creative skills to just push myself out of my comfort zone and they say no? Fine. But if they say yes, you can grow and grow and before you know it you’re creating graphics for a New York Gala event with Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem standing in front of your work. (True story!) Everything is possible.

Tell us something unusual about yourself.

I was an Irish Dancer for 15 years and once ‘technically’ supported Girls Aloud (before they went nuclear!) at a Keith Duffy charity fundraiser night! 

Website and social media handles:



Gus Riddell


Chris Polin